Yarn Story - Prost!

Long time no blogging from me! Yarn Story is back and on a new schedule. Be looking here for updates quarterly beginning now. 

Our feature this quarter is a series, rather than one title. The Sloan Krause Mysteries by Ellie Alexander are my personal favorite in the cozy mystery genre. It was an odd choice/discovery for me because I know nothing about brewing and it isn't a natural draw for me, but there was something about Sloan's story that drew me in and I had a hard time putting this series down. 

In honor of this discovery, I have designed a hat to go with the cover art from The First Pour, which is a collection of shorts. I'm a big fan of cover art on books generally- and the cozy genre is always a fun one. This cover is fun- but it is also beautiful and I knew I had to make something that would remind me of it. 

Introducing Prost! 

I designed this hat using Nature Spun Fingering by Brown Sheep Company. We will have kits available here at the shop within the week and you can order one here or here

And now is a good time to introduce our Yarn Story bundles. On our home page is a new tab - Yarn Story- where you'll find each new yarn story as a bundle, rather than piece by piece. You can still order the book alone or the kit alone, but the bundle comes with small perks, including a free copy of the pattern. It would make a great gift for the knitters or readers in your life. 

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