"The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao TzuWe are deep in summer in Mount Vernon. The sunflowers are blooming, tomatoes are being harvested, farm trucks are...
"The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao TzuWe are deep in summer in Mount Vernon. The sunflowers are blooming, tomatoes are being harvested, farm trucks are...
Knitting, in summer. It’s hot. Everywhere. So the thought of something warm in my hands is, well, awful. So, I knit in the coolness of the morning and in cool...
Knitting, in summer. It’s hot. Everywhere. So the thought of something warm in my hands is, well, awful. So, I knit in the coolness of the morning and in cool...
Yarn Story - Farmers and Markets
Good July to you, and welcome to this month's Yarn Story. This month, we are featuring Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer by Novella Carpenter, and The Grrlfriend Market Bag...
Yarn Story - Farmers and Markets
Good July to you, and welcome to this month's Yarn Story. This month, we are featuring Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer by Novella Carpenter, and The Grrlfriend Market Bag...
Community It has been a year since we started Wren & Purl, a glorious year of discovery! We have met so many new people, a new community of fiber artists...
Community It has been a year since we started Wren & Purl, a glorious year of discovery! We have met so many new people, a new community of fiber artists...
Yarn Story - Solitude and Friendship
“I might get a beehive,” I say out loud, to no one in particular. Joanna, who sits at the desk opposite, bellows a laugh and gestures over to my sorry...
Yarn Story - Solitude and Friendship
“I might get a beehive,” I say out loud, to no one in particular. Joanna, who sits at the desk opposite, bellows a laugh and gestures over to my sorry...